Welcome to the Glutton Club blog!

What is the Glutton Club?

The Glutton Club is a group of friends who have one thing in common: they all love good food and wine. The idea behind the Glutton Club is to get members together regularly to taste new foods, learn how to cook different dishes and share our passion for food around a table of good food and wine.

The original Glutton Club was formed by Charles Darwin, whilst he was at Cambridge University (see www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2003/mar/09/foodanddrink.features15), although we didn't find out about this until after we'd named the club.

Modus operandi

After discussion between various members this is a suggested modus operandi. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. This is your space, so please use it. Here goes:
  • any current Glutton Club member can propose inviting a friend to become a new member;
  •  each dinner should be hosted by a different Glutton Club member;
  • the host of each dinner should decide how many people he or she can cater for. If numbers are limited, it is suggested that the host send out an invite to members and accept guests on a "first come first served" basis;
  • every dinner guest should contribute something to each dinner they are invited to;
  • Gluttons are kindly asked to post their recipes for dinner contributions on the blog;
  • the most important thing is that all members of the Glutton Club should learn something new and have fun every time we get together, which means that there should be no talk about work or the Council during our meetings, and it should not be an exclusively Council of Europe club!

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